December 26, 2024

MINUTES - September 18, 2004

Present: Rob Andrews, Calvin Armstrong, Ed Barbeau, Burke Brown, Cynthia Church, Christy Conte, Stewart Craven, Shirley Dalrymple, Ysbrand, de Bruyn, George Gadanidis, Gila Hanna, Bradd Hart, Leo Jonker, Robin Kay, Dragana Martinovic, John Mighton, Immaculate Namukasa, Jamie Pyper, Debrah Richards, Tom Salisbury, Tom Sepp, Margaret Sinclair, Walter Whiteley

Regrets: David Poole, Geoff Roulet, Gord Doctorow

1. Welcome

2. Future Meeting dates and topics
October 16, November 20, January 22, February 19, March 19, April 23, June 18

3. Reports
CMS Forum 2005 (Bradd Hart)
Title: "Why teach mathematics?"
- there will be 11 working groups
- May 6 - Success Stories
- who is chosen? - samples of work, possibly 4 chosen from each province
- want it to be on-line - suggestions were: video on web and how to implement
- possibly open to a broader group other than just success stories.

Engaging the Ontario Ministry
-letter was submitted but no meeting resulted

Ed Barbeau described the new ICMI Study 16.

NSERC - Crystal Program
There have been a wide range of submissions and good letters of intent. A number of them have come from
Ontario Universities, OISE, UOIT, Western and Ryerson.

4. The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
- The Fifteenth ICMI Study: The Professional Education and development of Teachers of Mathematics
Presentation by: Immaculate Namukasa, University of Western Ontario
Download presentation in PDF format here

5. Pre-service Study - Lesson Study
Margaret Sinclair
, York
Download presentation in PDF format here

6. Research - Pilot Program
Jamie Pyper, Western

7. JUMP - Students at Risk
John Mighton

  • Update on Jump -new materials available and enriched program materials to be ready shortly
  • Looking at hockey and sports figures to come and teach adults
  • Now have approximately 350 volunteers - looking to recruit autoworkers to upgrade and tutor
  • 2 research paper expected to be ready soon
  • A number of testimonials to atest to JUMP'S success

8. Discussion:
A continued discussion with John Mighton concerning JUMP. Discussed different points of view in teaching methods.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.