February 22, 2025

Fields Undergraduate Network:
3C Risk Forum and Conference
October 28-30, 2011

University of Toronto, St. George Campus

Undergraduate Student Organizers:
Anne Dranovski (Mathematics Union, University of Toronto)
Ekaterina Klyueva (Engineering Science Finance Option, University of Toronto)
Undergraduate Panel Moderator:
Andi Kerenxhi (Association of Mathematical and Computer Science Students at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus)
Graduate Student Organizer:
Dexter Wu (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto)
Conference Chairs:
Luis Seco (RiskLab), Desheng Dash Wu (RiskLab)
Undergraduate Registration closed due to capacity Fields Outreach Programs FUN Blog
Open call for student talksUndergraduate students are welcome to give 25 or 50 minute talks on at this conference. Please send an email addressed to Anne Dranovski at 3crf<at>utmu.ca. Deadline: October 21.


The undergraduate activities of the 3C Risk Forum are being hosted by the Mathematics Union at the University of Toronto, for the Fields Undergraduate Network. Activities will include talks by undergraduates, talks for undergraduates, a panel discussion moderated by undergraduates, and networking opportunities.

For the schedule see 3C Risk Forum, The First 3-C Risk Forum & 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Risk Management (ERM)

1. Fields
3. Mathematics Union (Toronto)
4. Dean’s Student Initiative Fund (Toronto)

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