February 22, 2025

Past Scientific Activities for the period July 1, 2001- June 30, 2002

Thematic Programs

  • Thematic Program on Operator Algebras

General Scientific Activities

June 18-19, 2002
Fields 10th Anniversary Celebrations

May 23-25, 2002
Workshop in Honour of David F. Andrews
Short Course in Microarray Data Analysis

April 16 & 18, 2002
Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistics,
Donald A. S. Fraser, University of Toronto, Statistics Department

March 9-10, 2002
Symposium on Analysis and Geometry
Organizing Committee: H. Boden, W. Craig (McMaster University)

February 15, 2002
Sculpture Dedication Ceremony - donated to the Institute in appreciation of Professor H.S.M. (Donald) Coxeter's lifelong contributions to geometry on the occasion of his 95th birthday.
Speakers: John H. Conway (Princeton) and Artist, Marc Pelletier

December 6-7, 2001
Workshop on Free probability and Random Matrices
Organizers: A. Nica, R. Speicher

December 11, 2001
Fields Day on Mathematical Modeling
Organizer: H. Huang

November 7-11, 2001
Workshop on reductions of Shimura varieties and related spaces: geometry and representation theory
Organizers: J. Arthur, T. Haines, R. Kottwitz, G. Pappas

November 3, 2001
Fields Institute Graduate School Information Day

October 25, 2001
CRM-Fields Prize Lecture, Professor William T. Tutte, "60 Years in the Nets"

September 21, 2001
A Conference and Memorial Service in honour of
Professor Emeritus George F.D. Duff

August 20-23, 2001
2001 Canada-China Math Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada

August 20-25, 2001
Conference on Problems and Perspectives of the Calculus of Variations: Physics, Economics and Geometry
Organizer: L. Caffarelli, M. Feldman. and R. McCann

August 16-17, 2001
8th Annual Workshop of Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC2001)
Organizers: S. Vaudenay and A. Youssef

July 23-29, 2001
Workshop on Arithmmetic, Geometry and Physics around Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry
Organizers: J. Lewis and N. Yui

July 11-12, 2001
Conference in Honor of Professor Muni Srivastava
held at Fields