February 22, 2025

Scientific Activities July 1, 2004- June 30, 2005

A joint program of the Fields Institute, Toronto & Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo

Workshops and Lectures 2005
Workshops and Lectures 2004
July 11-16, 2005

June 20-July 8, 2005
Summer School Program

Strings, Gravity and Cosmology

June 8-12, 2005
Workshop on Schubert Varieties

June 2, 2005 --Clay Math Institute Public Lecture
Speaker: Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University,

May 9-11, 2005 Coxeter Lecture Series
Speaker: Renata Kallosh (Physics, Stanford)

May 2-6, 2005
Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of String Theory

April 4-5,7, 2005 Distinguished Lecture Series
Speaker: Edward Witten (IAS, Princeton)

March 28-April 1, 2005
Workshop on String Phenomenology

March 21-25, 2005
Workshop on N=1 Compactifications

January 17-20, 2005 Coxeter Lecture Series
Speaker: Robbert Dijkgraaf

January 10-14, 2005
Workshop on Topological Strings

November 19-23, 2004
Workshop on Mirror Symmetry
Organizing Cttee:
D. Auroux, M. Gross, K. Hori, N. Yui
held at the Perimeter Institute

November 15-17, 2004 Coxeter Lecture Series
Speaker: Nigel Hitchin (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)

September 27-October 2, 2004
Workshop on Forms of Homotopy Theory: Elliptic Cohomology and Loop Spaces

Graduate Courses

String Theory Seminars


Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Mathematics Seminars

General Scientific Activities

June 26 - 29, 2005
International Linear Algebra Society -- 12th Conference
Regina, Saskatchewan

June 19 - 24, 2005
33rd Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy),
dedicated to George Elliott's 60th birthday.
University of Ottawa

June 10 - 12, 2005
Designing Mathematical Thinking Tools Workshop
University of Western Ontario

June 9, 2005
Fields Annual General Meeting

June 7 - 17, 2005
Fields Institute Summer School in Operator Algebras
University of Ottawa

June 6 - 9, 2005
11th International Meeting on DNA Computing Conference
University of Western Ontario
co-sposored by Fields Institute and MITACS

June 2, 2005 -- 4:00 p.m
Clay Mathematics Institute Public Lecture
Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University
held at The Fields Institute
(audio of talk)

June 1 - 4, 2005
Workshop on Mathematical Programming in Machine Learning and Data Mining
McMaster University
co-sposored by Fields Institute, MITACS and IBM

June 1 - 3, 2005
Workshop on Number Theory and Random Matrix Theory
University of Waterloo

May 24 - 28, 2005
Forest Fires and Point Processes Workshop
Fields Institute
Supported by MITACS

May 14 - 17, 2005
Workshop on Modeling the Rapid Evolution of Infectious Diseases
University of Western Ontario
Supported by MITACS, Fields, Western Ontario and NSF

May 13 - 14, 2005
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day 2005
University of Ottawa

May 12-13, 2005
Southern Ontario Statistical Graduate Students Seminar Days (SOSGSSD)
York University

May 12 - 14, 2005
Workshop on Nonassociative Algebras
Fields Institute

May 9 - 11, 2005
Workshop on Empirical Likelihood Methods
University of Ottawa

May 6, 2005 -- 7:30 pm.
Public Lecture
Stephen Lewis
Deciphering Our World
Medical Sciences Auditorium , University of Toronto

May 5 - 8, 2005
IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing
University of Toronto

May 5 - 7, 2005
Workshop on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Carleton University
Supported by MITACS

May 4-6, 2005
Workshop on Latent Variable Models and Survey Data for Social Sciences Research
Centre de recherches mathématiques, Montréal
Supported by NPCDS

May 2 - 6, 2005
Networking 2005
University of Waterloo,

April 30 - May 1, 2005
2005 Great Lakes Geometry Conference
University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

April 28 - 29, 2005
MITACS/Fields Aeronautics Workshop
Supported by MITACS

April 15-16, 2005
Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
Fields Institute

April 2, 2005
Carleton Functional Analysis Day 2005
Carleton University

March 19-20, 2005
Computational Biology in the Post Genomics Era
CRM, Montreal

March 5-6, 2005
Weekend Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Higher Dimensional Varieties with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry.
Fields Institute

February 23-25, 2005
Fields-Ottawa Workshop on the Geometry of Very Large Data Sets
Ottawa University

February 4, 2005
Workshop on Text Mining Tools for Bioinformaticians and Biologists
Fields Institute

January 29, 2005
Young Mathematicians Conference
McMaster University

January 13-15, 2005
2nd Workshop on Resolutions, Inverse Systems, and Coinvariants
University of Ottawa

November 20, 2004
Graduate School Information Day
Fields Institute

November 12, 20004
Symposium on the Mathematical and Statistical Methods in the Life Sciences
University of Guelph

November 10, 2004 --10:00 a.m.
CNUCS Special Lecture
Michael Breakspear
School of Physics at the University of Sydney & Brain Dynamics Centre at Westmead Hospital, Australia
Dynamics of a neural system with a multiscale architecture

November 7, 2004
Royal Canadian Institute Lectures
Robert Almgren, University of Toronto and Agnes Tourin, McMaster University
The Mathematics of Glider Racing

November 4, 2004
CRM-Fields Prize Lecture
Don Dawson, Carleton University

October 28-30, 2004
Workshop on Data Mining Methodology and Applications
The Fields Institute

October 25, 2004
Lectures Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
Speakers:Elizabeth Cannon (Calgary)
Stephen Fienberg (Carnegie Mellon)
Jacques Hurtubise (McGill)
Barbara Sherwood Lollar (Toronto)

October 23--24
Weekend workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Higher Dimensional Varieties with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry.

October 13-16, 2004
Conference on automorphic forms and the trace formula,in honour of James Arthur on the occasion of his 60th birthday
The Fields Institute

September 24-25, 2004
Noncommutative Geometry, the Local Index Formula and Hopf Algebras Mini-Conference
Fields Institute

September 24-26, 2004
CESG/ACE 2004 -- 21th Canadian Econometrics Study Group Conference
York University

September 14-15, 2004
Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Sciences
Sir David Cox
Graphical Models and their Statistical Interpretations and Graphical Models: Some Technical Developments

September 8, 2004
Influenza: Models and Data Seminar
The Fields Institute

August 25-27, 2004
Workshop on Kazhdan's Property (T)
University of Ottawa

August 9-11, 2004
16th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Concordia University

August 6-7, 2004
New Directions in Probability Theory Meeting
The Fields Institute

August 5-6, 2004
Workshop on Missing Data Problems
at The Fields Institute and the University of Toronto

August 4-6, 2004
7th North American New Researchers Conference
presented by The Institute of Mathematical Statistics,
York University

August 4-6
4th University of Manitoba Statistics Research Conference
University of Manitoba

July 28-30, 2004
MOPTA 04 - McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications
at McMaster University

July 19-23, 2004
Quantum Information and Quantum Control Conference
The Fields Institute

July 16-20, 2004
Algebraic Toplogy in Computer Science Workshop
University of Western Ontario

July 13-17, 2004
NPCDS/SAMSI Workshop on The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments for Complex System
Banff, Alberta, Canada

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