February 22, 2025



Professor Charles Fefferman (Princeton)
Dean's Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Toronto

Mon. Nov.28, 4:30-5:30 p.m. -- The Fields Institute, Room 230
Conformal Invariants I
Talk 1: I will explain how to construct local invariants from a conformal metric. The main construction comes from a joint paper with Robin Graham, announced 20 years ago and soon to appear.

Wed. Nov. 30, 4:00-5:00 p.m. -- Bahen 6183.
Conformal Invariants II
Talk 2: How to construct global invariants from a conformal metric on a compact manifold, by integrating local quantities that may not be invariant until they are integrated. The main result is due to Spyros Alexakis, and is soon to appear.

The two talks will be almost completely independent.

Charles Fefferman is Herbert Jones University Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. Professor Fefferman was educated at the University of Maryland and Princeton University, completing his PhD in 1969 (at the age of 20). After a short period at the University of Chicago, he has been based at Princeton since 1971.

Fefferman's work in mathematical analysis has been recognised by numerous prestigious awards, including the Fields Medal (1978) and the Bergman Prize (1992). This work has covered a wide range of topics including multivariable complex analysis, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis.

For further information please contact gensci(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)