February 22, 2025

December 7-8, 2006

Organizing Committee:

Gerda de Vries, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Megumi Harada, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
Lisa Jeffrey, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
Laura Scull, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Ping Zhou, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University

The CMS Committee for Women in Mathematics, in cooperation with the Fields Institute, is organizing a workshop for junior women (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) in the mathematical sciences at Canadian universities.  The workshop will take place on December 7 and 8, 2006.  The workshop is just prior to the CMS Winter 2006 Meeting, and participants are encouraged to stay in Toronto to attend that meeting. All women in the mathematical sciences at Canadian universities are invited to apply


There will be presentations on careers in the mathematical sciences by senior women, research presentations by junior women, a panel discussion, and small group discussions. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows participating in the workshop are encouraged to give a presentation on their research interests, in the form of either a 20-minute talk or a poster.

Financial Support

There was a limited amount of support to cover accommodation expenses for junior faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Deadline to apply was November 1, 2006.

Participation/Registration Fee (includes coffee breaks, one lunch, and one dinner)

Participants must pay a registration fee of $55 by December 1. This fee includes coffee breaks, one lunch, and one dinner. The registration fee will be waived for participants receiving financial support. Details on
payment options will be sent via email after the registration process is complete.

To register click here

Our previous events:

Tentative Schedule:

Thursday, December 7, 2006
Time Event
4:00--5:00 p.m.
Registration and welcome reception
5:00--6:00 p.m

Public Talk
Siobhan Roberts
Mr. Polytope and Sexual Polytics: Donald Coxeter, His Wife, His Collaborations with the Eminent "Housewife Geometer" Alicia Boole Stott, and His One Female PhD Student (York University's Asia Ivic Weiss).
Siobhan Roberts is a Toronto freelance writer and journalist whose work focuses on reconciling what the British novelist and scientist C.P. Snow famously referred to as "the two cultures" of science and art.

6:00 -  9:00 p.m

Banquet dinner and Small group discussion
Speaker: Margaret Beattie, Mount Allison University
After 30 years of progress, are girls still too cute to be good at math?


Friday, December 8, 2006
9:00 - 9:20
Habiba Kadiri, University of Montreal
Effective estimates of some prime counting functions and applications
9:30 - 9:50 Ariane Masuda, Carleton University
Analogies between the ring of integers and the ring of polynomials over a finite field
10:00 - 10:20

Anamaria Savu, University of Northern British Columbia
Some remarks on the solid-on-solid model

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30
Poster session
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch
Speaker: Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University
Some New Opportunities for Mathematical Research
2:00 - 3:30
Panel discussion:
Moderator: Megumi Harada, McMaster University
Barbara Keyfitz
, Fields Institute
Susan Tolman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Julianna Tymoczko, University of Michigan
Gail Wolkowicz, McMaster University
3:30 - 4:00
Coffee break
4:00 - 4:20

Shaheena Bashir, McMaster University
Permutation Tests in Gene Microarrays

4:30 - 4:50 Eleanor Pullenayegum, University of Waterloo
Cost-effectiveness analysis in clinical trials and longitudinal data: filling in some gaps
5:00 - 5:20

Batool Labibi, University of Alberta
Decentralized Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems

Poster titles

Boucher, Christina - University of Waterloo
Expected Approximation Guarantees for the Demand Matching Problem

Dawson, Andria -University of Alberta
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling

Kotsopoulos, Donna - University of Western Ontario
Productive silencing during peer collaborations in mathematics

McDonald, Jessica - University of Waterloo
Edge-Colourings of Graphs

Mashatan, Atefeh - University of Waterloo
Non-interactive Message Authentication using two channels in Ad hoc Networks

Miller-Sims, Laurel - McMaster University
Analogues of Hilbert's Seventeenth Problem in Valued Fields

Nargis, Isheeta - Memorial University of Newfoundland
Neighborhoods in the Web Graph

Portman, Nataliya - University of Waterloo
The Modelling of Biological Growth:A Pattern Theoretic Approach

Shahbazi, Zohreh, University of Toronto
Relative B-fields

Staicu, Ana-Maria - University of Toronto
On the uniqueness of the matching prior

Tariri, Mariam - Carleton University
A mathematical description of Rossby wave propagation in a non-parallel

Yasar, Oznur - Memorial University of Newfoundland
Weighted Edge Searching

Posters are being accepted on an ongoing basis. To contribute a poster please send the title and abstract to gensci(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)

Talk Titles -abstracts

Shaheena Bashir, McMaster University
Permutation Tests in Gene Microarrays

Kadiri, Habiba - University of Montreal
Effective estimates of some prime counting functions and applications

Labibi, Batool - University of Alberta
Decentralized Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems

Masuda, Ariane Carleton University
Analogies between the ring of integers and the ring of polynomials over a finite field

Pullenayegum, Eleanor - University of Waterloo
Cost-effectiveness analysis in clinical trials and longitudinal data: filling in some gaps

Savu, Anamaria - University of Northern British Columbia
Some remarks on the solid-on-solid model

Participant List as of December 1, 2006

Fullname University Name
Askaripour, Nadya University of Western Ontario
Bagayogo, A. Bass Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface.
Bashir, Shaheena McMaster University
Beattie, Margaret Mount Allison University
Boucher, Christina University of Waterloo
Bronsard, Lia McMaster University
Burchard, Almut University of Toronto
Chouldechova, Alexandra University of Toronto
Dawson, Andria University of Alberta
de Vries, Gerda University of Alberta
Faridi, Sara Dalhousie University
Foth, Tatyana University of Western Ontario
Halacheva, Iva University of Toronto
Harada, Megumi McMaster University
Haskell, Deirdre McMaster University
Heglin, Holly York University
Hyndman, Jennifer University of Northern British Columbia
Jeffrey, Lisa University of Toronto
Kadiri, Habiba University of Montreal
Karimianpour, Camelia University of Ottawa
Keyfitz, Barbara The Fields Institute
Kim, Hee Jung McMaster University
Kotsopoulos, Donna University of Western Ontario
Labibi, Batool University of Alberta
Liu, Xiaofei Sophia University of Toronto at Scarborough
MacCaull, Wendy St. Francis Xavier University
Mashatan, Atefeh University of Waterloo
Masuda, Ariane Carleton University
McDonald, Jessica University of Waterloo
Miller-Sims, Laurel McMaster University
Nargis, Isheeta Memorial University of Newfoundland
Portman, Nataliya University of Waterloo
Pullenayegum, Eleanor University of Waterloo
Roberts, Siobhan Globe and Mail
Ross, Elissa York University
Savu, Anamaria University of Northern British Columbia
Scull, Laura University of British Columbia
Shahbazi, Zohreh University of Toronto
Staicu, Ana-Maria University of Toronto
Stoica, Cristina Wilfrid Laurier University
Tariri, Mariam Carleton university
Taskin, Muge Fields Institute
Taylor, Tara St. Francis Xavier University
Tolman, Susan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tymoczko, Julianna University of Michigan
Wolkowicz, Gail McMaster University
Yasar, Oznur Memorial University of Newfoundland
Zhou, Ping St. Francis Xavier University
Zhu, Hongmei York University
Participants Not Confirmed
Holdsworth, Amber
McMaster University
London McNab, Susan University of Ottawa

Contact : cwimac06(at)
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