February 22, 2025

Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
Friday-Saturday May 23-24,2008
University of Waterloo

Organizing Committee: Chris Godsil (Waterloo), Daniel Panario (Carleton), Bruce Richter (Waterloo), Brett Stevens (Carleton)


The Ontario Combinatorics Workshop has a long, if somewhat irregular, history. Its main purpose is to bring together graduate students studying Combinatorics from around (southern) Ontario so that they get some idea of the scope and depth of their subject. In addition it provides students with an opportunity to meet faculty from other institutions at which they might in future wish to pursue their studies or careers; it is also a useful opportunity for the faculty to maintain contact.

This year the workshop will be held at the University of Waterloo on Friday-Saturday May 23-24, 2008. The invited speakers are:

Jit Bose (Carleton)
Penny Haxell (Waterloo)
Bill Martin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

All talks will take place in MC5136 at the University of Waterloo. Directions to University of Waterloo and a map of the campus can be found at:

Contributed talks

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to present their work in this friendly environment. The Peter Rodney Memorial Bookprize will be presented to the graduate student judged to have given the best talk.

Please send your titles and abstracts to both and

Participant List as of May 21, 2008

Fullname University Name
Bailey, Robert Carleton University
Bose, Prosenjit Carleton University
Boucher, Christina University of Waterloo
Bruce, Daniel University of Guelph
Burgess, Andrea University of Ottawa
Christian, Robin University of Waterloo
Danziger, Peter Ryerson Polytechnic University
Erickson, Alejandro University of Waterloo
Francetic, Nevena University of Toronto
Gao, Pu University of Waterloo
Godsil, Chris University of Waterloo
Gosselin, Shonda University of Ottawa
Guay-Paquet, Mathieu University of Waterloo
Haxell, Penny University of Waterloo
Kemkes, Graeme University of Waterloo
Lucier, Brendan University of Toronto
Martin, William Worcester Polytechnic Institute
McDonald, Jessica University of Waterloo
Mendelsohn, Eric University of Toronto
Miltchman, Olga University of Waterloo
Mullin, Natalie University of Waterloo
Murray, Josh University of New Brunswick
Novak, Jonathan Queen's University
Omidi Koma, Behzad Carleton University
Panario, Daniel Carleton University
Pivotto, Irene University of Waterloo
Reid, Colin McMaster University
Richter, Bruce University of Waterloo
Rosa, Alexander McMaster University
Shirazi, Hamed University of Waterloo
Silva, Marcel University of Waterloo
Silvesan, Daniela Memorial University of Newfoundland
Stevens, Brett Carleton University
Wang, Baoyong Carleton University
Xie, Feng McMaster University
Zhan, Lina Carleton University

Ontario Combinatorics Workshop Schedule (All Talks in MC5136)
(Speakers Abstracts)


Friday, May 23
9:00-10:00 Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
Independent transversals
10:00-10:30 Jessica McDonald, University of Waterloo
Achieving maximum chromatic index in multigraphs
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Natalie Mullin, University of Waterloo
Constructing Strongly Regular Graphs
11:30-12:00 Robert Bailey, Carleton University
Hamiltonian decompositions of complete $k$-uniform hypergraphs
12:00-12:30 Daniela Silvesan, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The intersection spectrum of Skolem sequences
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Bill Martin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
The story of $(T,M,S)$-nets
15:30-16:00 Martin Pei, University of Waterloo
List colouring Steiner triple systems
16:00-16:30 Shonda Gosselin, University of Ottawa
Self-complementary uniform hypergraphs
16:30-17:00 Andrea Burgess, University of Ottawa
Closed trail decompositions of complete equipartite graphs
Saturday, May 24
9:00-9:30 Amy Cameron, University of Ottawa
A Simpler 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for the Multi-two-edge Connected Subgraph Problem
9:30-10:00 Matei David, University of Toronto
Separating Number-On-Forehead Communication Complexity Classes RP and NP
10:00-10:30 Feng Xie, McMaster University
Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Prosenjit Bose, Carleton University
An overview of geometric spanners
12:00-12:30 Christina Boucher, University of Waterloo
Towards identifying when a consensus exists: a study of probabistic algorithms for {\sc Consensus Sequence}
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:30 Jonathan Novak, Queens University
Some combinatorial properties of truncated random unitary matrices
14:30-15:00 Brendan Lucier, University of Toronto
Fast Mixing for 3-Colourings on Bounded-Degree Trees
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break and Goodbyes