February 22, 2025

Fields Institute Workshop on
New Directions in Cryptography
June 25-27, 2008
University of Ottawa

Supported by

University of Ottawa
Organizing Committee:
Ian Blake (University of Toronto), ifblake<at>
Ali Miri (University of Ottawa), samiri<at>
Monica Nevins (University of Ottawa), mnevins<at>


Cryptography is a rapidly-evolving area of research in mathematics, whose developments are of critical importance to modern electronic society. It draws its innovations from all areas of pure mathematics, as well as engineering and computer science. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from both academia and industry, with particular emphasis on involving graduate students in the field.
The workshop begins with a pair of mini-courses presenting some of the main themes and ideas in modern cryptography. The second day is devoted to talks on recent works by renowned researchers from academia. The workshop closes on the third day with talks by researchers from industry. Each day will include many opportunities for collaborative work and discussions.

Workshop Format

Mini-courses, one-hour invited lectures, and possibly time for short communications and a discussion of open problems.

Mini-course Lecturers

Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, Isabelle Déchène will not be
able to give her mini-course. Please find instead:

Ali Miri (University of Ottawa)
Accelerating Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

Kenny Paterson (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Recent Advances in Identity-based Encryption

Invited Speakers

Phil Eisen, (Cloakware)
It's Not the Size of Your Key That Matters, It's How You Use It
Evangelos Kranakis, (Carleton)
Security Models: Prospects, Perspectives, Directions
Kumar Murty, (UToronto)
Recent developments in Hash functions
Renate Scheidler, (Calgary)
Real Hyperelliptic Curves
Francesco Sica, (Mount Allison)
Complex Double Bases applied to Scalar Multiplication on Algebraic Curves

Doug Stinson, (Waterloo)
Recent Results on the Design and Analysis of Manual Authentication Protocols
Amr M. Youssef, (Concordia)
On Cryptographic Properties of Boolean Functions

Rene Struik, (Certicom)
Speed-ups of elliptic curve-based schemes
Dana Neustadter, (Elliptic Semiconductor)
Elliptic Curves over Prime and Binary Fields in Cryptography


The talks will be held in Room A0150, SITE, 800 King Edward Ave.
(Unfortunately Google map can't place the address correctly; please search instead for 801 King Edward Ave, which is across the street; or find SITE at the south end of the main campus on our campus map.)

Wednesday, June 25
  8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee
9:00-9:15 Welcome
9:15-10:30 Kenny Paterson, Part I
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Kenny Paterson, Part II
12:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:15 Ali Miri, Part I
3:15-3:45 Break
3:45-5:00 Ali Miri, Part I
Thursday, June 26
  9:00-9:50 Kumar Murty
10:00-10:20 Break
10:20-11:10 Renate Scheidler
11:20-12:10 Francesco Sica
12:10-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:50 Doug Stinson
3:00-3:50 Amr Youssef
4:00-4:20 Break
4:20-5:10 Evangelos Kranakis
Friday, June 27
  8:30-9:20 Opportunities and Challenges with the CSEC
9:30-10:20 Rene Struik
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:50 Dana Neustader
12:00-12:50 Phil Eisen
3:00 Boat cruise on the Rideau Canal ($13 per person, sign up at the workshop)

The Ottawa Internation Jazz Festival presents Jazz 08, an immense series of concerts and performances by internationally reknown Jazz artists. The festival takes place from June 20 to July 1, 2008. For more information, including schedules and tickets, please see:

Workshop Sponsors

This workshop has been made possible by the support of the following. The organizers would like to express their appreciation for this valued support.
* The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
* The University of Ottawa
* Cloakware
* Certicom

Participant List

Fullname University Name
Anghel, Catalina University of Toronto
Balamohan, Balasingham University of Ottawa
Billig, Yuly Carleton University
Blake, Ian University of Toronto
Bradley, David University of Maine
Burton, Bobbie-Lynn  
Cazaubon, Verne University of Ottawa
Cheng, Y. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chowdhury, Sadrul University of Ottawa
Couillard, Bruno BC5 Technologies, Inc.
Davey, Blair CSEC
Déchène, Isabelle University of Ottawa
Eisen, Phil Cloakware Corporation
Elahi, Tariq  
El-Hassan, Fadi University of Ottawa
Garson, Kathryn University of Ottawa
Goodman, Jim Kluless Technologies
Goyette, Richard SITE, University of Ottawa
Guedes, Gabriel Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Hamdan, Sadek University of Ottawa
He, Jane Carleton University
Hinek, Jason University of Calgary
Jebril, Iqbal Irbid National University
Joubarne Aubin, Nicole CSEC
Kane, Amadou Laval University
Karimianpour, Camelia  
Kaur, Manmohan Benedictine University
Keliher, Liam Mount Allison University
Kim, Chul Ryerson University
Knapp, Edward University of Waterloo
Kranakis, Evangelos Carleton University
Laishram, Shanta University of Waterloo
Longa, Patrick University of Waterloo
Mailloux, Nick University of Ottawa
Malek, Behzad University of Ottawa
Mashatan, Atefeh University of Waterloo
Masuda, Ariane University of Ottawa
McAfee, Erin CSEC
McDonald, Daniel Carleton University
Miri, Ali University of Ottawa
Mirzaee, Alireza University of Ottawa
Montcalm, Michael University of Ottawa
Murty, Vijaya Kumar University of Toronto
Neustadter, Dana Elliptic Semiconductor, Inc.
Nevins, Monica University of Ottawa
Nguyen, Eric Université de Montréal
Omidi Koma, Behzad Carleton University
Onat, Ilker SITE, University of Ottawa
Parri, Jonathan University of Ottawa
Paterson, Kenny Royal Holloway, University of London
Poon, Wilson University of Ottawa
Rahman, Md. Abdur University of Ottawa
Ratti, Saurabh University of Ottawa
Roy, Christian University of Ottawa
Samet, Saeed University of Ottawa
Savard, Stephen  
Scheidler, Renate University of Calgary
Shah, Jay Government of Canada
Shapiro, Daniel University of Ottawa
Sica, Francesco Mount Allison University - Acecrypt
Sramka, Michal University of Calgary
Stebila, Douglas University of Waterloo
Stinson, Douglas University of Waterloo
Struik, Rene Certicom Research
Sui, Jiayuan University of Waterloo
Sutantyo, Daniel Macquarie University
Swanson, Colleen University of Waterloo
Szeto, Melodie  
Tang, Adrian University of Calgary
Thareja, Vishal University of Ottawa
Thomson, David Carleton University
Tian, Fang University of Ottawa
Vardomskaya, Tamara University of Ottawa
Vardomskiy, Stanislav Carleton University
Walshe, Bridget CSEC
Wang, Qiang Carleton University
Weekes, Alex Carleton University
Xiong, Pulei University of Ottawa
Yoshida, Kayo University of Waterloo
Youssef, Amr M. Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering
Zeng, Qingsheng University of Ottawa


Registration is free but required. Advance registration is very much appreciated.

Financial Support

Graduate students and recent graduates are strongly encouraged to attend, and to apply for financial support. Applications are to be made on-line. Decisions on funding will be made starting April 1st, 2008. Deadline to apply was March 31/08 but late applications will be accepted up to May 10, 2008 if funds are available.



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