February 22, 2025

Friday, April 3rd from 8:45 am – 3:30 pm

4th Annual SNAP Math Fair Conference

Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario
222 College Street

Come learn about SNAP Math Fairs and be inspired! This conference will teach you everything you need to know and will provide you with all the tools you’ll need! These fairs launched in Ontario 3 years ago and have been spreading ever since!

Cost: Only $25 including lunch!

How: Contact me, Tanya a Thompson or or call 705-446-2334

Special Highlight: Havergal College will present their actual SNAP Math Fair at Fields for all to see!

Tanya Thompson; Director of Education Programs, ThinkFun, Inc., SNAP Director
Bill Ritchie; C.E.O. ThinkFun, Inc., SNAP Director
John Grant-McLoughlin; Professor, Mathematics Education, University of New Brunswick
Troy Comish; Math Coach, Simcoe County District School Board
Judith Rioux-Wilson; Teacher, P.V.N.C. Catholic School Board, Peterborough
Jennifer Wyatt; Teacher, Havergal College, Toronto
Qian Wang; Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University