February 22, 2025

"A Celebration of Statistics"

April 29,2010
Graduate Student Research Day
at the Fields Institute (map to Fields)

Organizing Committee:
Statistics Graduate Student Union
Department of Statistics


The theme for the Graduate Students Research Day is "Complex Models for High-Dimensional Data".Technological advances have made possible the massive accumulation information while the statistical models required to handle such data are increasingly complex.

Program for Graduate Student Research Day

The program for the day will have keynote addresses by the invitees, talks given by four of the senior graduate students, and a panel discussion on success in research.

Invited speakers:
Kathryn Roeder, Carnegie Mellon University,
Jim Ramsay, McGill University.
Radford Neal, University of Toronto


8:30 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
8:50 a.m. Welcome Address:
Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Chair), Ramya Thinniyam (PhD Candidate & SGSU President)
9:00 a.m. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. James Ramsay (Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, McGill University)
10:00 a.m. Madeleine Thompson (PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
Using Correlation Length to Compare MCMC Methods Graphically
10:25 a.m. Coffee Break (Fields Atrium)
11:00 a.m. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Kathryn Roeder (Professor, Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University)
Finding rare variants affecting disease risk by genetic matching and a test for mixtures
12:00 noon
Billy Chang (PhD Candidate, Department of Public Health Science, University of Toronto)
Statistical Approach to Transcript Quantification in RNA-Sequences
12:25 p.m. LUNCH (Fields Atrium)
1:30 p.m. Dr. Angel Valov (PhD Graduate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
First Passage Times for Brownian Motion with Applications
1:55 p.m. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Radford Neal (Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
2:55 p.m. Coffee Break (Fields Atrium)
3:15 p.m. Yan Bai (PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
Region Adaptive algorithm with Online Recursion
3:40 p.m. Panel Discussion: The Future of Statistics
Drs. Radford Neal, James Ramsay, Kathryn Roeder, and Larry Wasserman
4:45 p.m. Closing Remarks
Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Chair), Ramya Thinniyam (PhD Candidate & SGSU President)


Final List of Participants:

Full Name University Name
Acar, Elif Fidan University of Toronto
Badescu, Andrei University of Toronto
Bai, Yan  
Baskurt, Zeynep University of Toronto
Briollais, Laurent Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
Cai, Tara University of British Columbia
Chang, Billy University of Toronto
Craiu, Radu University of Toronto
Derkach, Andriy University of Toronto
Du, Meng University of Toronto
Evans, Mike University of Toronto
Fan, Jing University of Toronto
Feuerverger, Andrey University of Toronto
Gibbs, Alison University of Toronto
Gong, Lan University of Toronto
Guo, Weiwei University of Toronto
He, Yu University of Toronto
Jaimungal, Sebastian University of Toronto
Jang, Gun Ho University of Toronto
Jin, Zi University of British Columbia
Karamanov, Nikola University of Toronto
Koudstaal, Mark University of Toronto
Li, Li University of Toronto
Li, Ye University of Toronto
Lin, Sheldon University of Toronto
Lin, Wei University of Toronto
Mallo, Muz University of Toronto
Neal, Radford University of Toronto
Plante, Jean-Francois HEC Montreal
Ramsay, Jim McGill University
Rangrej, Jagadish OICR Research
Reid, Nancy University of Toronto
Roeder, Kathryn Carnegie Mellon University
Sabeti, Avideh University of Toronto
Shen, Jianping University of Toronto
Shestopaloff, Alex University of Toronto
Stafford, James University of Toronto
Sue-Chee, Shivon University of Toronto
Sun, Lei University of Toronto
Thinniyam, Ramya University of Toronto
Thompson, Madeleine University of Toronto
Tritchler, David University of Toronto
Valov, Angel Scotiabank
Wang, Chunyi University of Toronto
Wasserman, Lawrence Carnegie Mellon University
Wu, Panpan University of Toronto
Wu, Yan Yan York University
Xu, Lizhen University of Toronto
Xu, Ximing University of Toronto
Yao, Fang University of Toronto
Yu, Helen University of Toronto
Zhou, Lutong Cancer Care Ontario


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