February 22, 2025

May 6-7,2011
19th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
George Vari Engineering Building
Ryerson University (map)

Organizing Commitee
Anthony Bonato, Peter Danziger (Ryerson University)

Workshop Home Page

There is no registration fee, but please register in advance
(On-line registration now closed)

The 19th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop (OCW) will be held on May , 2011, at Ryerson University . The main purpose of OCW is to encourage graduate students in all areas of combinatorics and discrete mathematics at various institutions around Central Canada to become acquainted with each other and to foster an appreciation of the scope of the work being done close to home. The main focus of the workshop is 25 minute contributed presentations.

Keynote Speakers

Jeannette Janssen, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University
Brett Stevens, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University
Jacques Verstraete. Department of Mathematics, University of California at San Diego

Outline of the Program

There will be three plenary speakers, with the remaining two day schedule consisting of 20-minute contributed talks. The setting of the workshop is intended to be informal, and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and young researchers are especially encouraged to give talks. The past four workshops have seen about 20 contributed presentations each, so there is obvious interest from students and faculty to present their current and future research in this workshop. Opportunities for discussion and joint research will be emphasized.
Peter Rodney Book Prize:
The best talk given by a student at the Ontario Combinatorics Workshop will be awarded the Peter Rodney Memorial Book Prize.

Important Dates

Deadline to submit abstract for contributed talks:
April 4, 2011. The title and abstract (no more than 150 words) should be sent to: . Talks are especially encouraged from graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in combinatorics.

Author notification: April 11, 2011

List of Registered Participants

Full Name University/Affiliation
Austin, Beth Ann University of Waterloo
Bailey, Robert University of Regina
Baird, Liam Ryerson University
Baird, William Ryerson University
Betel, Heather University of Ottawa
Bhat, Ashwini Lakehead University
Bonato, Anthony Ryerson University
Brown, Andrew University of Waterloo
Burgess, Andrea Ryerson University
Chaplick, Steven University of Toronto
Charlesworth, Ian University of Waterloo
Chellappan Pillai, Sunil Kumar  
Chuangpishit, Huda Dalhousie University
Connolly, Robert Oakland University
Danziger, Peter Ryerson University
Delic, Dejan Ryerson University
Edoukou, Frédéric Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Fagerstrom, Emily University at Buffalo
Farzad, Babak Brock University
Faulkner, Nicholas James Strath Public School
Filmus, Yuval University of Toronto
Francetic, Nevena University of Toronto
Haghighi, Maryam University of Ottawa
Hoshino, Richard National Institute of Informatics
Javed, Sana Abdus Salaam School of Mathematical Sciences G.C university
Kamalappan, V. Vilfred St.Jude's College
Karimi, Majid Brock University
Kemkes, Graeme Ryerson University
Krikorian, Tamar Ryerson University
Limbu, Chandra Ryerson University
MacFie, Andrew Carleton University
Mbaka, Stella Ryerson University
McConvey, Andrew University of Waterloo
Mehrabian, Abbas University of Waterloo
Miri, Ali Ryerson University
Pralat, Pawel Ryerson University
Rajasekaran, Ramar College of Applied Sciences
Redelmeier, Emily Queen's University
Riasat, Ayesha Abdus Salaam School of Mathematical Sciences G.C university
Rowsell, Don Ryerson University
Sabbagh, Mohammad Isfahan University of Technology
Shkambi, Emilian College of Science and Technology
Skelton, Andrew Brock University
Sloss, Craig University of Waterloo
Stevens, Brett Carleton University
Tian, Yanhua Ryerson University
Tian, Yanhua Ryerson University
Vander Meulen, Kevin Redeemer University College
Verstraete, Jacques University of California, San Diego
Wang, Changping Ryerson University
Xu, Lei State University of New York at Buffalo
Ye, Yuli University of Toronto
Zia, Amin University of Toronto
Zouzias, Anastasios University of Toronto
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