February 22, 2025

August 8-12, 2011
the Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto

Program of Talks

Monday August 8, 2011
10:00-10:30 Registration and Morning Coffee
10:30-10:50 Introduction
11:00-12:00 Chair: Hoi-Kwong Lo
Charles Bennett, IBM (in Bahen room 1160)
Information is Quantum---how physics has helped us understand what information is and what can be done with it

12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Bell Award


Chair: Joseph H. Thywissen
Tzu-Chieh Wei, University of British Columbia
Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states as a resource for universal quantum computation

15:15-15:35 Chair: Joseph H. Thywissen
Peter Turner
, University of Tokyo
The curious nonexistence of Gaussian 2-designs
15:40-16:10 Coffee break

Chair: Joseph H. Thywissen
Charles Bamber, National Research Council
Direct Measurement of the Quantum Wavefunction

16:55-17:15 Chair: Joseph H. Thywissen
Christian Weedbrook, University of Toronto
Quantum Cryptography Approaching the Classical Limit
17:20-17:40 Chair: Joseph H. Thywissen
Shengjun Wu, University of Science and Technology of China
A general framework of weak measurement and its application to optical non-linearlity
19:00 Welcome Reception Duke of York Pub , 39 Prince Arthur.
Tuesday August 9, 2011
8:45-9:15 Morning Coffee
09:15-9:55 Chair: Kevin Resch
Marco Bellini, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica
Single-photon-level light manipulation and amplification
10:00-10:20 Chair: Kevin Resch
Brendon Higgins, University of Waterloo
Multiple-copy state discrimination: Thinking globally, acting locally
10:25-10:55 Coffee break

Chair: Kevin Resch
Man-Duen Choi, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto
My Personal Adventure in Quantum Wonderland

11:40-12:00 Chair: Kevin Resch
Iman Marvian, Perimeter Institute
Information-theoretic approach to the study of symmetric dynamics
12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chair: Paul Brumer
Alexandra Olaya-Castro, University College London
Quantum coherence in biology: facts, fiction and challenges

14:45-15:25 Chair: Paul Brumer
Tomas Mancal, Charles University in Prague
Photoinduced dynamics in photosynthetic complexes under incoherent light excitation
15:30-15:50 Chair: Paul Brumer
Ahsan Nazir, Imperial College London
A variational master equation approach to dissipative energy transfer dynamics
15:55-16:15 Chair: Paul Brumer
Ioannis Thanopulos
, National Hellenic Research Foundation
Coherent Control of Intramolecular Energy Transfer in 24-mode Pyrazine
16:15 Coffee break

Posters (poster presenters and abstracts)
L M Arevalo Aguilar, Victor V. Albert , Viacheslav Burenkov, John Calsamiglia, Eric Chitambar, Artur Czerwinski, Ardavan Darabi, Hossein Tavakoli Dinani, Greg Dmochowki, Francesca Fassioli, Amir Feizpour, Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Savannah Garmon, Timur Grinev, Alex Hayat, Hoda Hossein-Nejad, Claire Yu

Wednesday August 10, 2011
8:45-9:15 Morning Coffee
09:15-9:55 Chair: Man Duen Choi
Vladimir Korepin, Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Correlation Functions of 1 D anyons
10:00-10:20 Chair: Man Duen Choi
Clement Ampadu
On the Ambainis-Bach-Nayak-Vishwanath-Watrous Conjecture
10:25-10:55 Coffee break

Chair: Man Duen Choi
Ben Buchler, The Australian National University
Gas-phase quantum memory

11:40-12:00 Chair: Man Duen Choi
Neil Sinclair, University of Calgary
Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons
12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Bell Lecture by Sandu Popescu (Video of the talk)
Virtual qubits, virtual temperatures, and the foundations of thermodynamics

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Robin Blume-Kohout, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Tomography for fault-tolerance: confidence regions for quantum hardware

16:15-16:35 Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Shohini Ghose, Wilfrid Laurier University
Analysis of multiqubit entanglement and nonlocality for optimal quantum communication
16:40-17:00 Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Peter Rapcan, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Scavenging quantum information: Multiple observations of quantum systems
17:05-17:25 Chair: Aephraim M. Steinberg
Marco Piani, University of Waterloo
All non-classical correlations can be activated into distillable entanglement
  Conference Dinner- ticket purchase required
Thursday August 11, 2011
8:45-9:15 Morning Coffee

Chair: Dvira Segal
Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institute of Sciences
Quantum thermodynamics via measurements on non-Markovian time scales

10:00-10:20 Chair: Dvira Segal
Lianao Wu, Universidad del País Vasco
Nondeterminstic fast ground state cooling of a mechanical resonator
10:25-10:55 Coffee break

Chair: Dvira Segal
Jianshu Cao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optimization of coherent energy transfer in light-harvesting systems

11:40-12:00 Chair: Dvira Segal
Torsten Scholak, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
On the efficiency of excitonic energy transport
12:00-14:00 Lunch

Chair: Daniel James
Christine Silberhorn, University of Paderborn
Pulsed quantum states of light for multi-mode quantum systems

14:45-15:25 Chair: Daniel James
Shigeki Takeuchi, Hokkaido University and Osaka University
Photonic quantum circuits and their application
15:30-15:50 Chair: Daniel James
Alberto Politi, University of Bristol
Integrated Quantum Photonics
15:55-16:15 Chair: Daniel James
Changliang Ren, Hiroshima University
Quantum tomography of photonic time -energy entanglement by photon bunching with short-time reference pulses
16:15- Coffee break
  Posters (poster presenters and abstracts)
Piotr Kolenderski, Dawei Lu, Dylan Mahler, Iman Marvian, Leonardo A Pachon, Nicolás Quesada, Roya Radgohar, Rebecca Ronke, Lee A. Rozema
Alexandr Sergeevich, Astha Sethi, Cathal Smyth, Yasaman Soudagar, Nathan Wiebe, Mark M. Wilde , Xingxing Xing, Feihu Xu
Friday August 12, 2011
8:45-9:15 Morning Coffee

Chair: Harry Ruda
Adrian Lupascu, University of Waterloo
Quantum gates for superconducting qubits with fixed coupling

10:00-10:20 Chair: Harry Ruda
Jordan Kyrikiadis, Dalhousie University
Optimal Trajectories for Quantum Adiabatic Processing
10:25-10:55 Coffee break

Chair: Harry Ruda
Alexander Lvovsky, University of Calgary
Remote preparation of arbitrary states of an atomic collective

11:40-12:00 Chair: Harry Ruda
Ben Sparkes, The Australian National University
Spectral Manipulation of Optical Pulses Using the Gradient Echo Memory Scheme
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:40 Chair: Andrew White
David Kribs, University of Guelph
A family of norms with applications in quantum information
14:45-15:05 Chair: Andrew White
Marcus P. da Silva, Raytheon BBN Technologies
Practical characterization of quantum devices without tomography
15:10-15:40 Coffee break

Chair: Andrew White
John Howell, University of Rochester
Weak Values and Precision Measurements

16:25-16:50 Chair: Andrew White
Dylan J. Saunders
The Power of Many Settings or Many Outcomes in Experimental Demonstrations of EPR-Steering

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