February 23, 2025
21st Ontario Combinatorics Workshop
May 16-18, 2013
Nipissing University, North Bay

Steering Committee:
Peter Danziger (Ryerson), Chris Godsil (Waterloo), Daniel Panario (Carleton),
Bruce Richter (Waterloo), Brett Stevens (Carleton), Claude Tardif (RMC)
Local Organizer:
Tzvetalin Vassilev (Nipissing University)


The objective of the meeting is to gather researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from the Ontario and surrounding area working in various fields of Combinatorics in order to stimulate research collaboration in this vibrant interdisciplinary area and give students some idea of the scope and depth of their discipline.

The workshop consists of one-hour invited talk, and two two-hour sessions of contributed talks daily, presented over three days - Thursday to Saturday. Opportunities for discussion and initiating joint research are emphasized, including open problem session.

In 2013, the Ontario Combinatorics Workshop will be held in conjunction with the 4th Annual Workshop on Algorithmic Graph Theory organized at Nipissing University. We strongly encourage researchers working in this area to participate and present their recent results at the workshop.

Peter Rodney Prize

The best talk given by a student at the Ontario Combinatorics Workshop will be awarded the Peter Rodney Memorial Book Prize. This prize of a book and memorial book plate is given in honour of Dr. Peter Rodney (1965-1995).


Please submit one page abstract, in PDF format, summarizing your talk to the Local Organizer at tzvetalv<at>nipissingu.ca.

Confirmed Participants as of May 13, 2013

Full Name University/Affiliation
Bailey, Robert Ryerson University
Bosica, John Royal Military College of Canada
Burgess, Andrea Ryerson University
Chan, Ada York University
Francetic, Nevena Carleton University
Fraser, Ben Nipissing University
Heglin, Holly York University
Huggan, Melissa Carleton University
Javed, Muhammad Ryerson University
Stevens, Brett Carleton University
Styner, Dustin University of Manitoba
Vassilev, Tzvetalin Nipissing University
Wagner, Andrew University of Ottawa


Schedule (Provisional)

Wednesday, May 15  
7:00pm Welcome Reception
Governor's House Residence
Thursday, May 16 All talks in Room A122
9:30am Coffee and Muffins
10:00am Opening and Welcome Remarks
Dr. Harley d'Entremont, VP Academic and Research
  Session 1 (Chair: Tzvetalin Vassilev)
10:15am Generalized packing designs with block size 5
Robert Bailey, Ryerson University
10:45am Cycle decomposition of complete graphs of small orders
Muhammad Javed, Ryerson University
11:15am-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm-2:00pm Invited Lecture
Greedy Gray Codes and Pancake Flipping
Joe Sawada, University of Guelph
2:00pm-2:15pm Coffee Break
  Session 2 (Chair: Ada Chan)
2:15pm A conjecture regarding pairs of set systems
Dustin Styner, University of Manitoba
2:45pm Fractional Aspects of the Erdos-Faber-Lovász Conjecture
John Bosica, Royal Military College of Canada
4:30pm Hike to Duchesne Falls
Starting from Governor's House Residence, weather permitting
Friday, May 17 All talks in Room A122
8:45am Coffee and Muffins
9:00am-10:00am Invited Lecture
The mysterious nature of nested recurrence relations
Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria
  Session 3 (Chair: Brett Stevens)
10:15am Sudoku: A Four Dimensional Wonder
Melissa Huggan, Carleton University
10:45am Group divisible packing designs with block size 3: relationship to coverings
Nevena Francetic, Carleton University
11:15am-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm-2:00pm Invited Lecture
The Hunt for the Dreaded Chorded Cycle
Ronald Gould, Emory University
2:00pm-2:15pm Coffee Break
2:15pm Session 4
A Formula for Counting Affine Type C Pieri Factors
Holly Heglin, York University
2:45pm Finding a second Hamilton cycle: the missing link
Andrew Wagner, University of Ottawa
6:00pm Workshop Dinner
Average Joe's, 3501 Trout Lake Road
Saturday, May 18 All talks in Room A122
8:45am Coffee and Muffins
9:00am-11:00am Open Problem Session