February 22, 2025

July 23-26, 2013
28th Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications

Dedicated to E.D. Tymchatyn

North Bay, Ontario

Organizing Committee
Logan Hoehn, Alexandre Karassev, Ihor Stasyuk, Murat Tuncali and Vesko Valov
Scientific Advisory Committee
Krystyna Kuperberg, John C. Mayer, Jan van Mill, Lex Oversteegen, Juris Steprans, and E.D. Tymchatyn
Home page for the Conference
CONTACT: sumtopo2013<at>
Application for travel support, now closed


The 28th Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications will take place at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 23-26th. The Summer Conference series started in the 1980’s in New York and grew into an international conference series. It was held at Nipissing University in 1997. Since 2000, the conference has travelled to New Zealand, South Africa, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, and Mexico as well as being held in the USA.
The summer conference brings together mathematicians who have research interests in general topology, set-theoretic topology, topological algebras, topological groups, functional analysis, geometric topology and geometric group theory, topological dynamics, and continuum theory as well as applied areas such as computer science and computational topology/geometry.

The conference at Nipissing will feature seven plenary speakers and ten semi-plenary talks. It will be dedicated to Prof. E.D. Tymchatyn. There will be four parallel special sessions. Special session talks will be 20 minutes in length. In addition, two workshops are planned, each of which will consist of three 50-minute lectures.


  • Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University, California, USA
  • Dikran Dikranjan , U. of Udine, Italy
  • Akira Koyama, Waseda University, Japan
  • Lex Oversteegen, U. of Alabama-Birmingham, USA
  • Stevo Todorcevic, U. of Toronto, Canada
  • Edward D. Tymchatyn, U. of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Michael Yampolsky , U. of Toronto, Canada


Homogeneous Compact Spaces
Jan van Mill, VU-Amsterdam, and Vesko Valov, Nipissing University, Canada

Coarse Topology with Connections to Geometric Group Theory
Jerzy Dydak, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, and Alexander Dranishnikov, U. of Florida-Gainesville, USA


  • Taras Banakh, Ivan Franko National U., L’viv, Ukraine
  • Philip Boyland, U. of Florida-Gainesville, USA
  • Alex Clark, U. of Leicester, England
  • Valentin Gutev, U. of Malta, Malta
  • Kazuhiro Kawamura, U. of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Chris Mouron, Rhodes College, Memphis, USA
  • Todor Tsankov, Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
  • Michael Zarichnyi, Ivan Franko National U., L’viv, Ukraine


Asymmetric Topology
Lawrence Michael Brown, Hacettepe U., Ankara, Turkey
Michael Bukatin, Nokia Corp., Boston, USA
Ralph Kopperman, City College of CUNY, USA

Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems
Session Organizers: Logan Hoehn, Nipissing University, Canada
John C. Mayer, U. of Alabama-Birmingham, USA
Lex Oversteegen, U. of Alabama-Birmingham, USA

Geometric Topology
Session Organizers: Nikolay Brodskiy, U. of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
Alexander Dranisknikov, U. of Florida-Gainesville, USA
Jerzy Dydak, U. of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA
Danuta Kolodziejczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

New Trends in Topology
Tomasz Kaczynski, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
James Keesling, U. of Florida-Gainesville, USA
Krystyna Kuperberg, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

Set-Theoretic Topology, Analysis and Related Areas
Alan Dow, U. of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
Juris Steprans, York U., Canada
Paul Szeptycki. York U., Canada

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