February 22, 2025

Geometric Mechanics Seminar Series

June 29, 1993 -- Scott Bortoff (University of Toronto)
The Acrobot as a Testbed for Nonlinear Control

June 24, 1993 -- Brett Zombro (University of Maryland)
Relative Equilibria for the Dynamics of a Classical Ozone Molecule

June 22, 1993 -- Maung Min-oo (McMaster University)
Rigidity and Deformation of Space Forms

June 10, 1993 -- Michael J. Enos (The Fields Institute)
On the Controllability and Time-Optimal Control of a Nonholonomic Mechanical System with Drift

June 8, 1993 -- Rudolf Schmid (Emory University)
BRST Symmetries and Anomalies

May 25, 1993 -- Tudor Ratiu (University of California at Santa Cruz)
A Sympletic Slice Theorem

May 18, 1993 -- Robert McLachlan (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Lie-Poisson Integration

May 12, 1993 -- Miroslav Lovric (McMaster University)
Ricci Flow on Manifolds and Applications

April 27, 1993 -- Ute A. Mueller (Arnold Sommerfeld Institut fuer Theoretische Physik TU Clausthal, Germany)
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and their Relation to Quantisation Methods

April 20, 1993 -- Richard Atkins (The Fields Institute)
When is a Connection on a Surface A Metric Connection?

April 1, 13, 1993 -- Marcus Kriele (University of Waterloo)
Geodesics in Type Changing, Psuedo Riemannian Manifolds

April 6, 1993 -- Wolfgang Kliemann (Iowa State University)
Chaos, Noise and Control of Dynamical Systems

March 30, 1993 -- Zhong Ge (The Fields Institute)
A Geometric Description of SL(2) Manifolds

March 16, 1993 -- Velimir Jurjevic (University of Toronto)
Variational Problems on Lie Groups

March 2, 1993 -- Willem Sluis (The Fields Instutite)
An Optimal Control Problem for Curves in Euclidean Three Space
Natural Curves in Classical Geometries

February 23, 1993 -- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
An Optimal Control Problem for Curves in Euclidean Three Space (Part II)

February 16, 1993 -- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
An Optimal Control Problem for Curves in Euclidean Three Space (Part I)

December 8, 1992 -- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems: Moving Frames and theh Pontryagin Maximum Principle

November 24, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part IX)

November 17, 1992-- Zhong Ge (The Fields Institute)
The Maximum Principle of Pontryagin:An Introduction

November 3, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part VIII)

October 27, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part VII)

October 20, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part VI)

October 13, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part V)

October 6, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part IV)

September 29, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part III)

September 22, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part II)

September 15, 1992-- William F. Shadwick (The Fields Institute and University of Waterloo)
Cartan's Theory of Differential Systems (Part I)