Poster Abstracts
To view poster abstracts, please click here.
The department of statistical sciences was first established in 1977 by Professor Donald A. S. Fraser. Since its establishment, it has served as a center of excellence for statistical research for four decades, with applications in areas including medical and pharmaceutical research, computer science, finance and insurance.
This year we are featuring research from students and faculty affiliated with the department of Statistical Sciences in celebration of its 40th anniversary.
We invite you to join us on April 28th for the celebration and look forward to seeing you there!
Poster presentations will be taking place during lunch. Please see the poster presentations schedule at this link.
09:00 to 09:10 |
09:10 to 10:10 |
Alexandra Chouldechova, Carnegie Mellon University |
10:10 to 10:30 |
Coffee Break
10:30 to 11:00 |
Ali Al-Aradi, University of Toronto |
11:00 to 12:00 |
Grace Yi, University of Waterloo |
12:00 to 13:40 |
Lunch and Poster Presentations
13:40 to 14:10 |
Victor Veitch, University of Toronto |
14:10 to 15:10 |
Ana-Maria Staicu, North Carolina State University |
15:10 to 15:30 |
Coffee Break
15:30 to 16:00 |
Zhenhua Lin, University of Toronto |
16:00 to 17:00 |
Rob Tibshirani, Stanford University |
To view poster abstracts, please click here.
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