MathEd Forum: January 28, 2023
Registration Instruction:
Please register here.
09:55 to 10:05 |
Land acknowledgement | Welcome
10:05 to 10:10 |
Reports: OAME, OMCA, OCMA, OCMC, CMESG, CMS, CME and MKN, AFEMO, and others.
10:10 to 11:40 |
John Mason, Open University and University of Oxford |
11:45 to 12:25 | |
12:30 to 13:00 | |
13:00 to 13:30 |
Debrief and Discussion
Registered Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Tunde Adebajo | Centennial College |
Paul Alves | Peel DSB |
Elahe Aminifar | Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University |
Charles Anifowose | Vretta Inc. |
Annie Antonenko | |
Cal Armstrong | Appleby College |
Rohan Attele | Chicago State University |
Heather Betel | JUMP Math |
Dana Botesteanu | |
Pamela Brittain | The Fields Institute |
Adam Brown | UTS |
Allan Brown | |
Darcie Brown | |
Chantal Buteau | Brock University |
Jennifer Calix | University of Toronto |
Rosalind Carson | University of Calgary |
Olive Chapman | |
Matthew Cheung | York University |
Paulina Chin | Maplesoft |
Shirley Dalrymple | Retired |
Cristina De Simone | York University |
Francis Duah | Toronto Metropolitan University |
Edinsson Fernández-Mosquera | Universidad del Valle |
Barbara Forrest | University of Waterloo |
Brian Forrest | University of Waterloo |
Viktor Freiman | Université de Moncton |
Susan Gerofsky | University of British Columbia |
John Grant McLoughlin | University of New Brunswick |
Taras Gula | George Brown College |
Rochelle Gutierrez | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Itamar Halevy | |
Dave Hewitt | Loughborough University |
Jennifer Holm | Wilfrid Laurier University |
Erica Huang | University of British Columbia |
Yutian Huang | University College |
Marc Husband | |
Marc Husband | |
Nkechi Ibeh | Ontario Tech University |
Evelyn John | University of British Columbia |
Cara Jordan | |
Ann Kajander | Lakehead University |
Margaret Karrass | University of Toronto |
Yosef Kasa | |
Michaela Kelly | McMaster University |
Nadia Kennedy | |
Elaina Khasawneh | Chicago State University |
Anjali Khirwadkar | Brock University |
Joseph Khoury | University of Ottawa |
Carolyn Kieran | |
Paul King | Peel District School Board |
Marnie Landon | C 2 Infinity Corporation |
Manon LeBlanc | Université de Moncton |
Emma Logan | Ancaster High Secondary School |
Miroslav Lovric | McMaster University |
Andy Lucacescu | Havergal College |
Alison Macaulay | Ministry of Education |
Joseph Malkevitch | York College |
Ami Mamolo | Ontario Tech University |
Brian Markle | Humber College |
Josh Markle | University of Alberta |
John Mason | Open University and University of Oxford |
Ariane Masuda | New York City College of Technology, CUNY |
Joyce Mgombelo | Brock University |
Teresa Mosher | BHNCDSB |
Immaculate Namukasa | Western University |
Susan Ng | |
Cynthia Nicol | University of British Columbia |
Mona Nouroozifar | Humber College |
SUNDAY AKOCHI Nwankwo | Federal University of Technology Owerri |
PHILIP OMONDI | University of Nairobi |
Jose Orozco-Santiago | |
Laila Oubenaissa | University of Montreal |
Jérôme Proulx | Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) |
Abolfazl Rafiepour | Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman |
Dhanusshya Raghu | Ethiraj college for women |
Tina Rapke | York University |
Sheree Rodney | Ontario Tech University |
Ana Isabel Sacristán | Cinvestav-IPN |
Ivonne Sandoval | |
Marisol Santacruz-Rodriguez | Universidad del Valle |
Ushnish Sengupta | University of Toronto |
Min Seo | University of Waterloo |
Soheila Shahmohammadi | Brock University |
Nathalie Sinclair | Simon Fraser University |
Asmita Sodhi | University of Victoria |
Henry Tam | Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. |
Peter Taylor | Queen's University |
Evan Throop-Robinson | St. Francis Xavier University |
laura volpe | OISE |
Shannon Welbourn | Brock University |
Walter Whiteley | |
Cody Wilson | The York School |
Zack Wolske | |
Kitty Yan | OISE/UT |
ASmamaw Yimer | Chicago State University |
Dania Zantout | New York university Abu Dhabi |
Kate Zhang | Humber College |
Rawia Zuod | Western University |
Organizing Committee
Cara Jordan
Josh Markle -
University of Alberta
Joyce Mgombelo -
Brock University