The workshop will run for three full days and a morning session during the fourth day (Friday morning - Monday noon) and will feature a unique combination of two introductory mini-courses and research-level talks. The two mini-courses will have three 80 min. lectures each and directed towards PhD students and young researchers. The topics are the following.
(a) Toric varieties and equivariant cohomology by Kalle Karu, University of British Columbia
- The course will be an introduction to toric varieties and equivariant cohomology.
(b) Introduction to principal homogeneous spaces by Roman Fedorov, Kansas State University
- The course will be devoted to the basics in the theory of torsors and the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture.
Besides the two mini-courses, there will be invited one-hour talks by the leading experts in the area, as well as short talks by young researchers, postdocs and graduate students.