February 22, 2025

Canadian Number Theory Association VIII Meeting
June 20-25, 2004, Toronto

The next meeting of the Canadian Number Theory Association, CNTA VIII, will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada during the week of June 20-26, 2004. It will take place at the on the campus of the University of Toronto.

Conference organizers:

 John Friedlander (Toronto)
 Cameron Stewart (Waterloo)


Website Update - Schedules posted
Invited talks - rooms posted
Contributed talks - rooms posted

The Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) was founded in 1987 at the International Number Theory Conference at Laval University. The purpose of the CNTA is to enhance and promote learning and research in Number Theory, particularly in Canada. To advance these goals the CNTA organizes major international conferences, with the aim of exposing Canadian students and researchers to the latest developments in number theory. The previous meetings have been held in Banff (1988), Vancouver (1989), Kingston (1991), Halifax (1994), Ottawa (1996), Winnipeg (1999) and Montreal (2002). These have been high quality conferences which have had wide participation of the international number theory community.

Confirmed speakers, plenary and special session:

M.Bennett (UBC)
L. Berger (Harvard)
D. J. Bernstein (UIC)
E. Bombieri (IAS)
D. Boyd (UBC)
A. Bremner (Arizona State)
N. Bruin (SFU)
A. Brumer (Fordham)
Y. Bugeaud (Strasbourg)
B. Conrad (Michigan)
K. Dilcher (Dalhousie)
J. Ellenberg (Princeton)
J.-H. Evertse (Leiden)
M. Flach (Caltech)
K. Ford (UIUC)
D. Goldston (San Jose State)
E. Goren (McGill)
A. Granville (Montreal)

B. Green (PIMS, UBC)
R. Greenberg (Washington)
C. Greither (Munich)
K. Gyory (Debrecen)
R. Heath-Brown (Oxford)
H. Iwaniec (Rutgers)
K. Kedlaya (MIT)
H. Kisilevsky (Concordia)
H. Lenstra (Leiden)
G. Martin (UBC)
H. Montgomery (Michigan)
K. Murty (Toronto)
R. Murty (Queen's)
Y. Nesterenko (Moscow)
G. Pappas (Michigan State)
C. Pomerance (Dartmouth)
B. Poonen (Berkeley)
C. Popescu (UCSD)

N. Ramachandran (Maryland)
G. Remond (Grenoble)
J. Ritter (Augsburg)
D. Roy (Ottawa)
J. Sands (Vermont)
D. Savitt (McGill)
R. Scheidler (Calgary)
H.-P. Schlickewei (Marburg)
W. Schmidt (Colorado)
R. Schoof (Rome)
K. Soundararajan (Michigan)
E. Teske (Waterloo)
J. Thunder (Northern Illinois)
V. Vatsal (UBC)
G. Walsh (Ottawa)
T. Weston (Amherst)
T. Wooley (Michigan)
U. Zannier (Venice)

Special Session Organizers:

Algebraic Number Theory : A. Weiss (Alberta)
Analytic Number Theory : J. Friedlander (Toronto)
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry : R. Ramakrishna (Cornell)
Computational Number Theory : H. Williams (Calgary)
Diophantine Analysis and Approximation : C. Stewart (Waterloo)

Ribenboim Prize

The Canadian Number Theory Association (CNTA) has established a prize for distinguished research in number theory to be awarded to a mathematician who is Canadian or has connections to Canadian mathematics. The prize, called the Ribenboim Prize, will normally be awarded every four years in conjunction with a CNTA meeting. The prize winner will receive a certificate and medal and will give a plenary talk at the associated CNTA meeting. Normally the prize winner will have received his or her Ph.D. within the last 12 years. The first prize was awarded at the 1999 CNTA meeting to Professor Andrew Granville, and the second prize was awarded in 2002 to Professor Henri Darmon at the CNTA Meeting.

At this year's meeting, the Ribenboim Prize will be awarded to Professor Michael Bennett of the University of British Columbia.


Online registration is now closed. On-site registration will be available at the event in the foyer of the Earth Sciences Auditorium.
Registration Fees are as follows:

  • Before May 1/04
    Faculty with Grants $250
    Faculty without grants and PDF's $125
    Students $75
  • After May 1/04
    Faculty with Grants $325
    Faculty without grants and PDF's $150
    Students $100
  • Special Session Speaker/Organizer $125

NSF Support

We are expecting funding from the National Science Foundation to provide a limited amount of support for U.S.-based graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty. Applications for assistance should be directed to Professors K. Soundararajan and T. Wooley at
the address:

CNTA/NSF Funding
c/o Professor K. Soundararajan
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1109

or by e-mail to:,

Associated Conference in Waterloo

There will be an associated Conference, in honour of Dale Brownawell, held June 17-19, 2004 at the University of Waterloo immediately before CNTA8, which is supported by the Fields Institute.

CNTA8 Housing and Hotels

Blocks of rooms for the conference have been booked at three Toronto hotels for the evenings of June 19-26, 2004. All meeting participants should make their own hotel reservations, before May 19, 2004 to have the rooms guaranteed - participants should identify themselves with the group name "Canadian Number Theory Association" .

Information about other local hotels are available through the Fields Institute Housing page and for participants seeking budget accomodation at campus residences see Summer Accommodation page.

  • Days Inn
    (15 minutes walk from the University)
    30 Carleton Street,
    Toronto, ON, M5B 2E9
    Tel: (416) 977-6655 (use hotel operator for "in-house reservations" )
    Fax: (416) 977-0502
    Toll Free 1-800-367-9601 (8:30 am- 6pm)

    Rates single/double:
    $125 + tax 18% approx.
    Group name "Canadian Number Theory Association" .

    Delta Chelsea Hotel
    (15-20 minutes walk from the University)
    33 Gerrard Street W.
    Toronto, M5G 1Z4
    Tel: (416) 595-1975
    Fax: (416) 585-4375
    Toll Free: 1-800-243-5732

    Rates single/double:
    $125(Delta Room) + tax 18% approx.
    Group name "Canadian Number Theory Association" .

    Quality Hotel by Journeys End
    (10-15 minutes walk from the University)
    280 Bloor Street West
    Toronto, ON, M5S 1V8
    Tel: (416) 968-0010
    Fax: (416) 968-7765

    Rates single/double:
    $115 + tax approx. 18%
    Group name "Canadian Number Theory Association" .

Conference Coordinator: gensci(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)

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