February 23, 2025

Canadian Number Theory Association VIII Meeting
June 20-25, 2004, Toronto

to be held at the University of Toronto


Sunday, June 20, 2004
4:05 - 4:20 Scott Parsell (Penn State) - ES1050
Counting rational linear spaces on hypersurfaces
John Cullinan (Massachusetts) - KP108
A Local-Global Principle for Torsion points on Abelian Varieties
Sharon Frechette (Holy Cross) - ES142
Gaussian Hypergeometric Series and Traces of Hecke Operators
Vsevolod F. Lev (Haifa) - ES149
On continuous postage stamping
4:25 - 4:30 Break
4:30 - 4:45 Marie José Bertin (Paris VI) - ES1050
Mahler's measure and Hecke L-series
P. Guerzhoy (Temple) - KP108
Ramanujan differential operator, certain CM elliptic curve and Kummer congruences
David Helm (Harvard) - ES142
Analogues of character groups for Hilbert Modular Varieties
Florian Luca (UNAM) - ES149
Totients with special arithmetic properties
4:50 - 4:55 Break
4:55 - 5:10 Matthew Papanikolas (Texas A&M) - ES1050
The Carlitz motive and Carlitz logarithms
Hendrik Kasten (Karlsruhe) - KP108
A Stickelberger-Index for the Tate-Shafarevich Group
Ling Long (Iowa State) - ES142
On Atkin-Swinnerton-Dyer congruence relations
Christian Elsholtz (London) - ES149
Maximal Sets of Unit-distant Points
5:15 - 5:20 Break
5:20 - 5:35 Akos Pinter (Debrecen) - ES1050
On power values of power sums
Amilcar Pacheco (Rio) - KP108
On the rank of abelian varieties over function fields
Yifan Yang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) - ES142
Construction and application of a class of modular functions
Siman Wong (Massachusetts) - ES149
Specializations of one-parameter families of polynomials
5:40 - 5:45 Break
5:45 - 6:00 Iskander Aliev (TU Vienna) - ES1050
Diophantine approximations of rationals and related problems
Matthew Boylan (UIUC) - ES142
2-adic properties of traces of singular moduli
Andrei M. Raigorodskii (Moscow) - ES149
On a problem of P. Erdös
Monday, June 21, 2004
4:05 - 4:20 Valentin Blomer (Gottingen) - ES1050
Estimates for representation numbers of quadratic forms
David P. Roberts (Minnesota at Morris) - KP108
Singular Primes for Three Point Covers
Mahdi Asgari (Michigan) - ES142
Generic Transfer for Similitude Spinor Groups
Lassina Dembele (Calgary) - ES149
Quaternionic M-symbols, Brandt matrices and Hilbert modular forms
4:25 - 4:30 Break
4:30 - 4:45 Stephen Choi (SFU) - ES1050
Quadratic Equations With Five Prime Unknowns
Takao Yamazaki (Tsukuba) - KP108
On Chow and Brauer groups of surfaces over local fields
James Carter (Charleston) - ES142
Steinitz classes in generalized quaternion extensions
Takashi Agoh (Tokyo University of Science) - ES149
Voronoï Type Congruences for Bernoulli Numbers and Its Applications
4:50 - 4:55 Break
4:55 - 5:10 Ernie Croot (Georgia Tech) - ES1050
Reciprocal Power Sums Modulo a Prime
Darrin Doud (BYU) - KP108
Even icosahedral Galois representations of prime conductor
Griff Elder (Nebraska at Omaha) - ES142
On the necessity of new ramification breaks
Alexander Bruno (Keldysh Institute) - ES149
The proper generalization of the continued fraction
5:15 - 5:20 Break
5:20 - 5:35 Rainer Dietmann (Stuttgart) - ES1050
systems of cubic forms
Sebastian Petersen (Munich) - KP108
On a Question of Jarden and Frey about Ranks of Abelian Varieties
Li Guo (Rutgers) - ES142
Baxter algebras and number theory
Vladimir Parusnikov (Keldysh Institute) - ES149
Comparison of several generalizations of the continued fraction
5:40 - 5:45 Break
5:45 - 6:00 Stan Gurak (UCSD) - ES1050
Polynomials for Kloosterman Sums
Adam Logan (Liverpool) - KP108
Computing the Brauer obstruction on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
Perlas Cabarrubias-Caranay (Philippines) - ES142
A Note on Williams' Proof of Scholz's Biquadratic Reciprocity Law
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
4:05 - 4:20 Alain Togbe (Purdue) - ES1050
A Parametric Family of Cubic Thue Equations
David Cardon (BYU) - KP108
An equivalence for the Riemann Hypothesis in terms of orthogonal polynomials
Martin Juras (North Dakota State) - ES142
Eisenstein-Dumas criterion for irreducibility and linear transformations
Holly Swisher (Wisconsin) - ES149
The Andrews-Stanley Partition Function and p(n)
4:25 - 4:30 Break
4:30 - 4:45 Clemens Fuchs (TU Graz) - ES1050
Complete solution of a problem of Diophantus and Euler
Nathan Ng (Montreal) - KP108
Large gaps between the zeros of the Riemann zeta function
Stephane Louboutin (Luminy) - ES142
Explicit upper bounds for |L(1, \chi)|
Karl Mahlburg (Wisconsin) - ES149
Arithmetic of Certain Hypergeometric Modular Forms
4:50 - 4:55 Break
4:55 - 5:10 Lenny Fukshansky (Texas) - ES1050
Siegel's Lemma with additional conditions
Janos Pintz (Renyi) - KP108
Explicit formulas and the exceptional set in Goldbach's problem
Allison M. Pacelli (Williams College) - ES142
Subgroups of Any Order in Class Groups of Global Function Fields
Alexandru Ghitza (McGill) - ES149
Some results on Siegel Hecke eigensystems (mod p)
5:15 - 5:20 Break
5:20 - 5:35 Kevin Hare (Waterloo) - ES1050
Lattices, Quasilattices and Pisot-Cyclotomic numbers
Amir Akbary (Lethbridge) - KP108
On Non-Vanishing of Symmetric Square L-Functions
Sebastian Pauli (TU Berlin) - ES142
Computing residue class rings and Picard groups of orders
Scott Ahlgren (Illinois) - ES149
Arithmetic of coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms
5:40 - 5:45 Break
5:45 - 6:00 Leanne Robertson (Smith College) - ES142
Class numbers of real cyclotomic fields
Paul Jenkins (Wisconsin) - ES149
Asymptotics of Traces of Singular Moduli
Thursday, June 24, 2004
3:55 - 4:10 Michael Mossinghoff (Davidson College) - ES1050
Lehmer's problem for polynomials with odd coefficients
Angel Kumchev (Texas) - KP108
The large sieve in additive prime number theory
Reginald Sawilla (Calgary) - ES142
Fast Ideal Arithmetic In Real Quadratic Fields
Alexandra Nichifor (Washington) - ES149
Consequences of Kida's Formula for Non-Primitive Iwasawa Modules
4:15 - 4:20 Break
4:20 - 4:35 Jonathan Sondow - ES1050
Conditional Irrationality Bases for log(Pi) and Euler's Constant
Mizan R Khan (Eastern Connecticut State) - KP108
On the Maximal Difference between an Element and its Inverse in Residue Rings
Lenny Jones (Shippensburg) - ES142
Deterministic Primality Tests: Some Old, Some New
Alexandru Tupan (Michigan State) - ES149
Positivity for Satake coefficients
4:40 - 4:45 Break
4:45 - 5:00 Hans J. H. Tuenter (York) - KP108
The Frobenius Problem, Sums of Powers of Integers, and Recurrences for the Bernoulli Numbers
Siguna Mueller (Calgary) - ES142
Probabilistic primality testing - who cares?

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