February 22, 2025

Scientific Activities July 1996 - June 1997

Thematic Programs

August 1996 - July 1997
Algebraic Model Theory --

Workshop on Algebraic Model Theory - NATO Advanced Studies Institute--August 19-20, 1996
Workshop on Geometric Model Theory --January 13-17, 1997
Workshop on the Model Theory of Analytic Functions --March 17-21, 1997
Informal Workshop in Model Theory--June 2-6, 1997

January - June 1997
Singularity Theory and Geometry

Singularity Lecture Series--January - April 1997
Workshop on Topology of Real Algebraic Varieties -- January 6-10
Informal Workshop on Valuations -- March 31-April 4
Workshop on Geometry and Complexity -- May 5-11
Mini-Course on Topological and Algebraic Invariants of Singular Varieties -- May 26-June 7
Workshop on Symplectic Geometry -- June 23-27, 1997

Coxeter lecture Series
March 10-13
Alex J. Wilkie
, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
"O-Minimal Tarski Systems: Theory and Examples"
"Tame Systems"
"Approximating the Boundaries of Closed Subsets of Euclidean Space
by Smooth Manifolds"


June 16-20, 1997 --
Vladimir Arnol'd, Steklov Mathematical Institute and Université de Paris-Dauphine
- From the Hilbert Superposition Problem to Dynamical Systems
- Polymathematics: Symplectization, Complexification, and So On
- Topologically Necessary Wavefront Singularities, the Sturm-Hurwitz Theorem on Fourier Series and Higher Derivative Extensions of Morse (Conley-Zehnder-Chekanov-Chaperon-Floer) Theory

June 15-21, 1997
Conference in Honour of Vladimir Arnol'd

June 13 - 14, 1997
Informal Workshop on Arnol'd Stability

June 6-8, 1997
ILAS Symposium on Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing

June 4-5, 1997
Applications of Arnol'd Stability
Organizer: T. Shepherd (University of Toronto)

June 3-6, 1997
Canadian Workshop on Information Theory

May 30 - June 1, 1997
Canadian Applied Mathematics Society Annual Meeting (CAMS '97)
CAIMS Short Course on Cryptography and Data Security -May 29, 1997

May 23-25, 1997
Canadian Economic Theory Conference

May 15, 1997
Public Lecture on Asymptotic Aspects of Geometric Functional Analysis
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann

May 14, 1997
Royal Society of Canada - New Fellows Public Lecture

May 10, 13, 1996 --
Sergai V. Novikov
(Steklov Mathematical Institute)
- Laplace and Darboux Transformations: Exactly Solvable One and Two-dimensional Schrödinger Operator
- Some Topological Phenomena in the Theory of Metals

May 5-7, 1997 --
Mikhael Gromov
(Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, University of Maryland and Courant Institute),
Geometry and Complexity

April 21, 1996 --
R. MacPherson (Institute for Advanced Study)
Topology of Spaces with Torus Actions

April 18, 1997
Inaugural G. de B. Robinson Award, Presentations and Lectures

April 16, 1997
-- James Arthur (University of Toronto)
Presentation and Lecture: Harmonic Analysis and Trace Formulas

February 28, 1997
Southern Ontario Dynamical Systems Seminar

February 9, 1997
A Celebration of Mathematics in the Arts in Honour of the 90th Birthday of H.S.M. (Donald) Coxeter [Photos and Ronnie Brown's presentation notes]

November 7, 1996
Dynamical Systems Seminar Day

October 25-26, 1996
Ontario Topology Seminar

Robinson Colloquium Series

January 27, 1997 --
Boris Zil'ber (Kemerovo State University)
Analytic Structures with a Dimension Theory

November 25, 1996 --
Ralph McKenzie (Vanderbilt University)
Algebra Talks to Logic

November 11, 1996 --
M. Makkai (McGill University)
Higher Dimensional Structures and Their Logic

October 21, 1996 --
Mark Spivakovsky (University of Toronto
)Resolution of Singularities

October 7, 1996--
Angus Macintyre (Mathematical Institute, Oxford
The Non-standard Frobenius

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