Holomorphic Floer Theory and wall-crossing structures
The term "Holomorphic Floer Theory" (HFT for short) was suggested in 2014
by Maxim Kontsevich and myself for the area of mathematics devoted
to the study of questions of ``Floer-theoretical nature"
in the framework of complex symplectic manifolds.
Morse theory of a holomorphic Morse function gives an example.
In my talk I am going to discuss an application of HFT to the study of exponential integrals. The corresponding
geometry is the one of a pair of holomorphic Lagrangian submanifolds of a complex sympectic manifold.
The key technical tool will be the notion of wall-crossing structure introduced jointly with Kontsevich in 2008 and revisited in 2013 and 2020.
Originally this notion was designed for the purposes of wall-crossing formulas in Donaldson-Thomas theory.
It was later discovered that it also appeared in the areas of mathematics and physics which did not have an obvious connection to the
DT-theory, e.g. in complex integrable systems.