Fields Partner University

February 22, 2025

Past 2012-13 Activities supported by Fields

The Fields Institute is a center for research in the mathematical sciences. Our mission is to create opportunities for research at the highest level in mathematics and its applications in modern society, and to develop reseach potential in Canda and the larger community. Communication of mathematical ideas at all levels is the main vehicle to fulfill our mandate.

For additional information regarding any of the events supported by Fields please contact us at: programs(PUT_AT_SIGN_HERE)

Carleton University

May 19-27, 2013
Summer School on Mathematics of Infectious Diseases
York University

July 3-6, 2012
Fields Institute-MITACS International Symposium on Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, in Honour of Miklos Csorgo's Work on the occasion of his 80th birthday
Carleton University

Aug. 8-10, 2012
24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Charlottetown, PEI

Aug. 13-17 , 2012
Workshop on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Carleton University

October 20–21, 2012
Algebra Days with focus on Geometric Group Theory
Carleton University

McMaster University

University of Ottawa
June 9-21, 2013
Sixth University of Ottawa Summer School in Computational Neuroscience
University of Ottawa

June 8-10, 2013
Workshop on Number Theory with a view towards Transcendence and Diophantine Approximation
University of Ottawa

May 9-10, 2013
2013 Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days
Ottawa University

September 6-9, 2012
11th International Conference on Complexity in Acute Illness (ICCAI)
University of Ottawa, held at Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent St, Ottawa

University of Toronto

November 17, 2012
University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind
University of Toronto


2012-13 Actuarial Science & Financial Mathematics Group Meetings
Organizer: Sebastian Jaimungal
(Statistics & Mathematical Finance Program, UToronto)

2012-13 Fields Analysis Working Group
Organizers: Robert McCann and James Colliander (Mathematics, UToronto)

2012-13 Toronto Probability Seminar
Organizers: Bálint Virág , Benedek Valkó (Mathematics &Statistics, UToronto)

2012-2013 Physics/Fields Colloquium
Organizers: Stephen Morris (Physics, UToronto) & Mary Pugh (Mathematics, UToronto)

2012-2013 Operator Algebras Seminars
Organizer: George Elliott (Mathematics, UToronto)

2012-13 CQIQC/Toronto Quantum Information Seminars
Organizers: Aephraim Steinberg, Paul Brumer, Hoi-Kwong Lo. (Physics, UToronto)

2012-13 Inverse Problems and Image Analysis Seminar
Organizers: Abdol-Reza Mansouri (Queen's U) and Adrian Nachman (UToronto)

2012-13 Geometric Structures Laboratory
Organizers: Marco Gualtieri & Steven Rayan (Mathematics, UToronto)

2012-13 Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar
Organizers: Franco Saliola, Nantel Bergeron (York)

2012-13 Set Theory Seminar Series
Organizers: Ilijas Farah, Juris Steprans (York)

University of Waterloo

August 2-3, 2013
Emerging Issues, Statistics Methods and Applications: A Workshop of Celebrating the Birth of ICSA-CANADA Chapter and the International Statistics Year
University of Waterloo at Westin Harbour Castle Toronto Hotel

Aug. 12-25, 2012
A Summer School for Women in Math

University of Waterloo

May 8-13, 2013
Association for Symbolic Logic Annual Meeting
University of Waterloo


Western University

September 4-5, 2012
CanQueue 2012: “Bringing Queue Models to Life”
University of Western Ontario



York University


April 29-30, 2013
Workshop on Establishing the Scientific Foundation for Quantitative Public Health Decision-making
York University, held at the Field Institute

May 19-27, 2013
Summer School on Mathematics of Infectious Diseases
York University

Affiliated Seminars

Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar
Organizers: Franco Saliola, Nantel Bergeron(York)

Set Theory Seminar Series
Organizers: Ilijas Farah, Juris Steprans, (York)

Activities at Fields Affiliate Universities

Brock University

May 24 2013
CMESG 2013 Pre-Conference

Mathematics Education Research and Mathematics Teaching: Illusions, Reality, and Opportunities
Brock University

April 1, 2013- March 31, 2014
Caribou Mathematics Contest

Lakehead University

May 3-4, 2013
Canadian Symposium on Abstract Harmonic Analysis
Lakehead University

Nipissing University

May 16-18, 2013
21st Ontario Combinatorics Workshop

Nipissing University

Queen's University

October 20-21, 2012
Interactions between Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, the 22th Annual Route 81 conference
Queen's University

Royal Military College of Canada


Ryerson University

October 25-26, 2012
5th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, FPS 2012
Ryerson University held at École de technologie supérieure, Montréal

University of Guelph

June 7, 2013
Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium
Adaptivite Strategies in Epidemiology, Ecology, and Engineering
Guelph University

June 4-5, 2013
Southwestern Ontario Graduate Mathematics Conference
University of Guelph

May 21-23, 2013
8th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation,
Communication and Cryptography

University of Guelph



University of Houston


Iowa State University


Université Lille September 24-28, 2012
CEMPI Inaugural Conference
Université Lille
University of Manitoba

July 19-21,2012
International Workshop on New Advances in Statistics: Theory and Applications
University of Manitoba
University of Maryland  
University of Ontario Institute of Technology  
University of Saskatchewan  
Trent University  
University of Windsor  
Wilfrid Laurier University  

June 24-July 5, 2013
Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures - Physics and Mathematics of Link Homology
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montreal.

June 10-13 2013
4th biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM)
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's

May 29-June 2, 2013
Fourth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD4)
North University of China, Taiyuan, China

May 23-26, 2013
Theory Canada 8 (TC 8) Conference
Bishop's University

Aug. 21-24, 2012
Infinite dimensional Lie theory: algebra, geometry and combinatorics, a CRM-Fields Workshop
at the Centre de recherches mathématique, Montréal

Fall 2012
Biannual Meeting in Noncommutative Geometry
Fields Institute and the University of New Brunswick